- P A T R E O N -
Find all the Cosplays and game related outfits here.
- S U B S C R I P T I O N S -
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Tier 1
Tier 2
Tier 3
-> Subs only channel on DC
-> Emotes
Tier 1: 31 standard and 32 animated emotes
Tier 2: +5 standard and animated emotes
Tier 3: +5 standard and animated emotes
- D O N A T I O N S -
A great way to support me directly!
All donations are non-refundable.
Donations are not a must but will definitly make my day. All donations will go towards stream improvements.
- T H R O N E -
More or less my own shopping list of things I need for my stream (or my Nerd-Me). If you feel like spoiling me a bit, this is the place to have a look at.
WARNING: there will be an alert. ❤️
- S T E A M -
What does every streamer need? Games! ❤️
- C H E E R -
Find a list of all CHEER SOUNDS here