•Please don't advertise/link other streams without asking first.
•No religion. (Avoiding Fights)
•No politics. (Avoiding Fights)
Click the panel above to join our discord.
Yes i want to make a living of twitch. my goal is to make enough to support myself.....anything after that is a bonus.
Top Tippers
:Anonymous $5000
:fyreflyfox $1755.00
:drmonkey19 $1096.00
:EndlessNuri $650.00
:Respawndreckly $530.00
:SkidMxrkZ $500.00
:TieDieGamer $200
Tips are non-refundable and a massive thank you to all who tipped no matter the amount
Just another streamer trying to make the dream a reality. ex-navy ex-cleaner ex-construction ect ect. My content mainly consists of hardcore games that require skill strategy and patience and I never miss a line of chat. We have a very positive community and you are welcome to join if you enjoy the content. Thanks for popping in
1 - Pint Pal
68 - So close
69 - You Single
100 - Special
200 - Still Special
300 - Down Bad
420 - Take a guess
500 - Even I don't know
1k - Jebaited with music
5k - Greek Apple
10k - Meme Dance