Donating is always optional, but greatly appreciated.
There are 2 ways to donate:
Direct Donation for Text-to-Speech and maybe a fun GIF
Donating Twitch bits -- 100+ bits shows up on stream and will be read via Text-to-Speech.
TTS may be disabled for large events / costreams
THANK YOU to the top donators, the true heroes of the stream:
- Simzlife: $2850
- KaynaTV: $2100
- ojmilkz: $600
- stevegh: $500
- RiotBlueVelvet: $500
- Brebulous: $200
- Andiznit: $100
- gentillentil: $100
- Solaraxus: $100
- Xshadles: $100
- Creatlach: $100
- FortyAndFour: $100
- abcwikiwiki: $100
- SeasanDegen: $100