Oi yeah nah G'day I am The Stephen! A prehistoric DayZ player and content creator. I've played DayZ from the start of the mod and made content from the start of the standalone release. I share all of my adventures here and on my YouTube channel.
Embrace me.
Situation Fubar, Fear the Bundy
Business Enquiries: [email protected]
Want cool emotes? Click Here
Thank you to these awesome, handsome, wise, smart and beautiful blokes and sheilas that have given to the cause and keeping my dumbass online! PREEEESH! xoxo
(All donations are in AUD currency & All merch giveaway donations count towards amount)
$1100 - Charliethegrayt
$930 - Slappybag89
$815 - BababaBich
$715 - Killa
$660 - Tarkov_Legend42
$600 - Bluesnake
$575 - NZCloud
$561 - AywolGames
$558 - Boydy73
$427 - BluSeventyThree
$320 - Steven
$300 - TheDonKhan
$270 - DarkLight
$267 - Vidz0
$250 - FormerlyKnownAsMadkatz723
$205 - RollerCosta
$202 - Teepha
$201 - McStabby
$200 - Aeger
$169 - CouncilOfBrians
$165 - UnseenEyes
$151 - Someone
$150 - Nordlurkerviking
$150 - Belams
$148 - b00nd0ckSaint87
$143 - Exotic
$130 - MrChaoS1ne
$128 - Miller Time
$123 - Mickey
$120 - 2thy
$115 - GiftForJodi
$110 - mainjoe
$110 - Arsnicen
$110 - Baby you_re a firework
$105 - The Tinest of dancers
$100 - Anonamoose