I am 24 years old. Chill. A perfect mix of competitive goodness with a hint of chaos and goofiness. Love talking and interacting with new people! Let's Vibe. Music Enthusiast. Video games and music are what I grew up on. Can you guess I like the color red or that I like cats lmao? I am here to spread positivity through my content and want to bring awareness to how much video games are a help to people. Hope to grow a community and just continue to be able to spread love and eventually give back to my community. I play a variety of games ranging from PlayStation to PC. I play anything from first person shooters to scary games to survivals. Really open to all kind of games so if there is something you want to see me play. Let me know! Peace Love Mental Health Awareness
-No being disrespectful. 🖤 -No offensive comments towards anyone. ❤ -No spoilers unless given permission regarding games/shows/etc. 🖤 -No self promotion/advertisement. ❤ -We love spreading love to each other and creating a safe space here. 🖤 -Take private matters into dm's no exceptions. ❤ -Any questions/problems regarding stream/moderation/community should be whispered to me. 🖤 -We support fellow streamers who are genuine supporters. real love all day. ❤ -Just be kind. Simple. 🖤
!uptime !watchtime !sr or !songrequest !songs (current/list) !followage !suscheck !lurk !hug !points !top !gamble !slots !heist !8ball !duel !socials !insta !twitter !raid !raid2 !clip !discord !onlyfans !cancel !hj (h0rny jail) !wavecheck !cutie !fk (forehead kiss) !support !wr (welcome raiders) !accountage !subcount !followers !donate !hype !foe !snuzzle !psn !console !licks !shootshot !hh (h0rny hours) !bots !pp !headpat !fuck !pass !spank !bestfriend !ihih !dbd !corner !wi (welcome in) !tieup !sandal !kith !feet !blanket !ads !tiktok !epic !fuzzy !pokemongo !id (cod) !ow (overwatch) !bh (bit hype) !sh (sub hype) !low !cathype !dumb
BTTV GIF EMOTES! !headpats !bonezone !bearhug !blobdance !catjam !roach !rainbowpls !popcat !pikaomg !lick !monke
JOKE/FRIEND COMMANDS! !godmods !kathy !simon !right !kate !kane !nestor !jesus !israel !pat !carlos !adrian !drift !nuschel !snacker !zang !cathy !hannah !right2 !andy !bambi !ezrah !led !bofa !sugma !boner !demonkat !giuli !z4m !nano !kane2 !kathy2 !nestor2 !lathy !lathy2 !kathy2 !rightsold !kane2 !sweat !drama !drippzy !liam !liam2 !niko !peaches !purp !valk !madboy !yuki !bubz !evolve !horse
^if you want your own let me know :D