1. Nearly 40 species of dolphins swim the waters of the world. Most live in shallow areas of tropical and temperate oceans, and five species live in rivers, however, only few of them plays video games. 2. Dolphins are carnivores. Fish, squid and crustaceans are included in their list of prey. A 260-pound dolphin eats about 33 pounds of fish a day. 3. Known for their playful behavior, dolphins are highly intelligent. They are as smart as apes, and the evolution of their larger brains is surprisingly similar to humans. 4. Dolphins are part of the family of whales that includes orcas and pilot whales. Killer whales are actually dolphins. 5. Dolphins are very social, living in groups that hunt and even play together. Large pods of dolphins can have 1,000 members or more. 6. Dolphins look pretty damn dope wearing hats. 7. They play Apex Legends? Idk maybe. 8. Dolphins have great strategy minds and make great Generals. 9. Dolphins can sleep by shutting off half of their brain and swimming around with one eye open. 10. Dolphins can choke on water.