My hot keys compatible with LEKMOD_V32.2
Currently I use these hotkeys and moded EUI for a fast and smooth civ game
Two ideas why I made them like this:
1) You need only 4 buttons to perform all actions/tile improvements/military moves that you will use 80% time (Q,W,E,R + alt modifier) and few more (R,F,C, 1, 2, 3, 4 + promos keybinds) for rest of time
2) And I give the logic of conducting promotions when Z is for the left side of main promos and X is for the right, (like drill/shock or barrage/acuracy). Cover and Charge is C, Ambush and Volley is A. All becouse there is no tooltip to show you which promotions are linked by default so you dont need to keep all it in mind.
You can check the full list of changes by this hyperlink My hot keys and if you want to try, just download the Civ5Units file and replace it in this folder: Civ5/Assets/DLC/LEKMOD_V32.2/Override/ (for Hotheys)
For EUI: Download Ul_bc1 and put it in
Civ5/Assets/DLC/ folder