Don't forget to support your online catgirls! uwu
Currently twitch doesn't make payouts to me but you are still able to support me thru donationalerts!
Do not donate if you don't have the means! uwu
Huge thanks to:
Joe_kappa, Pancakevirgo, MockTheMonkey, just_bare, elunvira, omega0050, BoomerJungle, melody7130, Deadmund, shominboii, allofish, themadpro97, 8bit_bun, MamaliciousVR, Akiivr, samtwitch_kun, ne_eropka, alduin1234, Pohky, abehamm, affectivegnome, PSYEdragon, TinySunshine, HelbyDanvers, dothecrunkk, sweetme97, teranosss, octalmage, TutuDeMel, wildwanderer, m1xzg, grobitalks, Protonopia, MizunoDrakonov, blueneko59, DemiFox_VR, snipy1543, soulspawnz, reygbeltran, coxth, somesmalldude, WolfWilly22, pickapacka09, tytanowyxbanan, Willxlive, PikaPika023, kitket, Mentheus, ne_eropka, Pauza112, its7empest, milo380, Arkaedran, Metaldragon416, Margar1997, iD_il, XxChronixX, KingKosii, ZiggyDarkstar, papage0rge0, tequilaman4z, l_heHEE_l, HAKATJI, animelorddd, SlumberingFrost, KingKosii, LostStray, mirandanvm, Spyfoxls, SlashDice, nachosdaddys11, Nico560, livebomb, jsifxdread93, fatebound and many others for supporting me!