Hi there! I'm Carl and I'm a 3D artist, graphic designer and avid Gunpla builder!
I've been building Gunpla and watching Gundam for the better part of 20 years and am always looking to push my models further! I was also the former admin of the Gunpla Colorado Facebook group which currently has over 800 members!
It's amazing to see how fast Gunpla has grown in the streaming age, and I made this channel to help grow it even more!
If you'd like to support the stream, check out my merch shop at my portfolio site Carl Herring Design Shop
Get the freshest Gunpla slaps for your workspace, toolbox, or even your car!
If you'd like to tip, you're good people! Tips go to supplies, giveaways, and stream upgrades! Simply click the header button above or this link: GoalieZer0's Tips For Toolsies
The Gunpla Backlog grows like a mighty oak! If you're interested in checking out whats coming in the pipeline, you can check out a full list of my backlog here: GoalieZer0's Backlog
If I happen to have your white whale or kit you really need, DM me either here or on Twitter or Instagram.
Friends and inspirations of the channel! All these guys and gals are beauties, both in the gunpla community and elsewhere! Check them out and told them GoalieZero sent ya!
apothecarie - The Fried Gold of Demons & Gamer Words
EddySpegEddy - Great Gunpla Maker & Friend of the Stream
carbondobs - Good Canadian Boy & Gunpla Streamer
Shenious - Games, Art, Woodworking and more!
kelee_the_terrible_hime - BAMF of Legend
For anyone currently, formerly, or about to live in Colorado, I formerly ran the biggest plastic modeling community in the Centennial State!
If you'd like to join up, please visit us at our Facebook Group page or check out our Discord server!
If you're looking for P-Bandai or rare and hard to find Gunpla, my friend Troy runs Impulse Hobbies here in Colorado and ships everywhere!
You will not deal with a nicer Gunpla dealer and he will get you what you need at a great price!
Check him out here: Impulse Hobbies LLC.