where are you from?
West coast USA.
How old are you?
Favorite urgot skin?
Fright night, but I like them all.
How much urgot mastery do you have?
what do you play when urgot is banned or picked?
Morde or a tank.
Who do you ban?
Aurora, Aatrox, or Morde.
what are urgots good matchups?
My favorites are: Sylas, Riven, Singed, Jax, Yone, Yorick, Fiora, Camille, Renekton.
Note: Some of these matchups are still hard, I just find them fun to play. I think the only "free" matchup here is Singed.
What are urgots worst matchups?
My worst are: Auora, Vayne, Varus, Heimer, Poppy, Illaoi, Morde.