1.모든 차별금지 (예시:종교,정치,인종,남녀갈등 등) 2. 싸우지않기 (뭐라해도 내가 뭐라함) 3. 혼자 서운해하지않기 4. 계속해서 해달라고 강요하지않기 5. 벤은 내 기분에 따라 함 (눈치껏 선잘타세요 ^^) 6. 신상질문 하지마세요 (마스크 포함)
- No discrimination (ex. religion, politics, race, gender, etc.)
- No fighting amongst viewers
- No being upset by yourself
- Please don't repeatedly ask me to do something
- Bans are at my discretion (Please don't cross the line ^^)
- No questions about personal information (including mask)