These commands will send you on an adventure which will require a dice roll. The adventures scale in risk/reward from plains through epic (ambush especially). Use "!1d20" if asked to roll normally, and "!2d20" if you have Dis/Advantage.
!random[plains, forest, dungeon, tomb, udark, ambush, epic]: (Costs: P - 50, F - 100, D - 300, T - 600, A - 1000, U - 1400, E - 2200 EXP respectively, no spaces/brackets)
Cooldown: User 10m / Global 90s
These commands will allow you to earn additional Experience by battling wandering monsters or challenging fellow viewers!
!duel [name] [wager]: Duel another chatter for Experience (no brackets needed). The challenger can !accept or !deny. (Costs 0+ EXP)
Cooldown: User 2m / Global 30s
!battle [wager]: Fight a random monster for a chance at extra Experience! Caution, they are tough, you may lose more often than you win. Are you willing to risk a minimum 100 Experience for fortune and glory? (Costs "all" or 100+ EXP)
Cooldown: User 60s / Global 30s
These commands are fun ways to accent your roleplaying in chat, or otherwise stimulate conversation and ideas.
!rezplz: You died! riPepperonis Well have no fear. A quick Resurrection(?) spell should do the trick. There's just one little side effect... (Costs 0 EXP)
Cooldown: User 2m / Global 30s
!deck: Draw from the Deck of Many Things to know thy fate and possibly win bonus Experience directly or by completing your next adventure. (Costs 100 EXP)
Cooldown: User 10m / Global 90s
!whogoesthere: You are guarding camp and hear a noise. Is the approaching figure friend or foe?! (Costs 0 EXP)
Cooldown: User 2m / Global 30s
!wark: Kweh!
Cooldown: User 5m / Global 30s
!lurk: But do you really?
Cooldown: User 5m / Global 5s
Generate some random numbers!
Roll for different combinations of dice: !1d3, !wishes !1d4, !2d4 !1d6, !2d6, !3d6, !4d6 !1d8, !2d8 !1d10, !2d10 !1d12, !2d12 !1d13 !1d18 !1d20, !2d20 !1d100
!exp: check your Experience points total and where you stand in the ranking. (0 EXP)
Cooldown: User 10m / Global 5s
0 EXP cost, both cooldowns 30s
!discord: Summon a link to this channel's
!youtube: Rewatch past episodes for fun, reference, or research.
!charsheet: Link to the Wizards web page with free, downloadable character sheets and pre-generated characters (!pregen works too).
!errata: Leads to a page with the latest errata/FAQs as well as various useful lists. Can also be reached with !errata or !lists.
!ua: Unearthed Arcana reference to follow along with the playtest material.
!beyond: Link to check out D&D Beyond.
!commands: View all other custom or universal commads.
I am happy that I have earned what you are offering. While I can't promise I won't buy some guacamole with it, I can assure you that it goes to a good place and gets reinvested back into the channel. Ask other community members if you aren't sure, don't take my own word for it!
Bits are always welcome and appreciated. Thank you for feeding Bitty as he is a very hungry snake who takes great joy in the treats you offer him!
If you choose to directly donate to the stream, you can do so at the following link and will also invoke a TTS event: Safe Streamlabs Donation Page
!donate / !tip: Will provide you a link to where you can donate to the channel to get minis, meet a goal, or just say "thank you". PayPal and credit card should be safely accepted.
You work hard for your money and I appreciate that and the time you spend here in the community. Choosing to support us through a Tier 1-3 or Prime subscription means so much and will help supply more prizes for the monthly giveaway! For information on that, please ask a Mod and/or join our Discord
If you have a question about a business connection, please inquire. This may include brand ambassadorships, giveaway products, or other digital content related ideas.