Alright lads! My name is Jase (Rsn: Hey Jase), I'm 30, from England. I stream most days, starting at 8pm UK time
Business email - [email protected]
Streaming schedule? - Streaming most days, starting at 8pm UK time, typically until 1am
How much is your bank? - Not sure mate, it's not all on 1 account
How do you make money? - On the way to 200m all I did pvm and flipping on the alt account, now I make it from pvm and clues on the main
How can you play so much? - I was in college for the first few years of old school which only took up 2-3 days per week so i had a lot of free time there. After that I worked part time for a while, but now thanks to all of your incredible support, I am fortunate enough to be able to stream full time :)
What clan are you in? - Slaystars & Totus
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