While I am fairly lenient in terms of allowing some behavior, even this private platform isn't without rules. They are as follows (with more detailed explanations):
1. Don't be a jerk, especially to fellow viewers.
This is a catch-all rule that explicitly asks that you treat other users with respect but can cover other potentially inappropriate behavior at my discretion. For example, bigotry and harassment will not be tolerated. It's usually fine to ask what's okay to post in chat, but don't test the limits of this rule otherwise.
2. Emote in moderation.
Basically, just don't spam emotes all the time. It can make it difficult for me to respond to viewers.
3. Don't post unsolicited ads (modest self-promotion is okay with permission).
This basically means that if you want to self-promote, please ask me first. On a related note, linking is allowed, but this is a privilege that will be taken away if it's abused.
4. Remember that you are not the only person here.
This rule is specifically meant to address unreasonable demands, self-centered behavior, and so on. For example, do not make demands, particularly for special treatment, or angrily address others in all caps. You can always make a polite request, but keep in mind that I might refuse.
Twitch and Twitch integration-related stuff is not covered by this rule. Troll me as much as you want as long as the settings I configured allow it.
5. Controversial topics like those related to politics are allowed, but discuss them at your own peril.
I personally do not mind the discussion of various controversial topics, but please keep the following in mind: First of all, I am a very outspoken individual, but I try to keep my opinions to myself unless others start discussing topics related to those opinions. Second of all, other viewers may not want to discuss certain topics, so please respect their wishes if they ask you to stop.
Also, remember to respect the fact other streamers may restrict this type of discussion when we raid them.
6. You can backseat me as much as you want otherwise.
Feel free to criticize my play as much as you want as long as it doesn't break the other rules, particularly Rule 1.
Again, note that many other streamers do not like being backseated, so do not treat other streamers the same way, particularly those we raid.
I generally play Rimworld with TTK active. TTK, also known as Twitch Toolkit, allows viewers to interact with Rimworld as I play it by buying various helpful or harmful things for the colony. For more information, please type !purchaselist in chat or click this direct link to the TTK purchase list page.
RLR stands for Roguelite Rim and features a special ruleset. In a nutshell, coins are retained between playthroughs with the RLR label. Active viewers also earn bonus coins based on how long colonies survive and how much damage was suffered.
For further details regarding Twitch Toolkit and Roguelite Rim, please refer to this Google Doc.
Streams start 3-5 PM PST on Tuesday-Thursday, Saturday, and Sunday at the moment. See the Schedule tab for more details. You can also see when I went live on other days of the week to get a general idea of how late my streams started.
Rimworld is the main feature on this channel and to keep things interesting, unique scenarios need to be constantly invented. However, other games may be streamed occasionally to buy time to devise these new scenarios. I am also open to streaming other games based on viewer suggestions.
This Google Doc contains detailed information regarding upcoming streaming plans such as Rimworld playthrough ideas, game suggestion guidelines, and tentative streaming plans for non-Rimworld games.
The current playthrough involves playing as a second Milira faction that is willing to cooperate with the Church faction to take on our more hostile, war-like Milira counterparts. Details are as follows:
Storyteller info:
Perry Persistent Custom Losing is Fun Threat Scale: 500% Threat Point Cap: 50,000 Trade Price Disadvantage: 50% Scaria rot chance: 100% Children disabled Child aging rate: 600% Ambient Horror enabled (20% threat rate)
!commands - Shows commands available in this panel (for mobile users and convenience). !discord - Links to this channel's Discord server. !docs - Links to the Google Docs I linked in these panels and other useful resources. !roll x - Rolls an x-sided die.
!purchaselist/!plist/!store/!shop - Links to the Twitch Toolkit purchase list page. !mods/!modlist - Links directly to the list of Rimworld mods I'm currently using. !wheresmycoins - FAQ command that answers how Twitch Toolkit runs are handled based on Rimworld playthrough type (fresh or RLR). !whatismult - Explains what that weird "Payout Mult" text overlay on the top right means. !showyourbal - Shows my (the streamer's) TTK coin balance and karma. Useful for determining when to redeem the Toolkit Clown Fiesta channel point reward. !syntax/!itemsyntax - Shows the syntax for buying items with a specific quality and material. !bitsinfo/!cheerinfo - Cheering bits can give everyone TTK coins. Explains what the bit cheering threshold/coin awards are. !pawninfo/!whatareraces - Gives information about how to buy a pawn and what races are. !subsistence/!unlockmode - Explains what the Subsistence game mode is for TTK Rimworld.