Do not feel the need to donate but if you do the donations will be used to upgrade the quality of the stream! All donations are extremely appreciated!
Disclaimer: In donating you are acknowledging you are the rightful owner of the amount being donated. Donations are not refundable and charge backs will result in a block.
Top Donators:
ArKaOsLiveTV- $398.38
Dazbig- $373.77
LivingInXs- $322.00
Tonyboudha- $261.66
CallMeMrPersonality- $200.00
ArKaOsLiveTV- $398.38
Dazbig- $373.77
LivingInXs- $322.00
Tonyboudha- $261.66
Krankmas- $203.66
Be respectful!
Streams are about a good and positive atmosphere, let's keep it that way.
If you don't have anything nice to say... Don't say it at all!