Hi! My name is Jane Drolf and I'm a variety streamer that focuses on FPS games because that is mostly where my skillset resides. I will play almost anything as long as it is fun and chill, depending on the mood of the stream! I am also a trans (M/F) metal vocalist. I'll be performing at most cons I attend to until I can bring a professional studio to do some live music for you all. Until then, THERE WILL BE CRINGE, THERE WILL BE FUN! All in all, this place is meant to be a safe space for you all to enjoy!
Rules for this channel is simple:
1) DON'T BE A DICK! Treat people the way you wish to be treated. It is not difficult to be nice to others here. Life sucks for everyone, no need to take your issues out on everyone else
2) NO TRAUMA DUMPING! I understand wanting your voice to be heard and I DO personally feel for you. However, on twitch, I am NOT a licensed therapist. If you or someone you know are going though any form of suicidal ideologies, please seek professional help
3) DO NOT ASK TO PLAY! I do open my streams up on occasion to other to join in and play with me. If you're first intent is to come in and join in on a game, I AM GOING TO ASSUME YOURE IN HERE WITH BAD INTENTIONS and will be LESS likely to let you join. Be Patient and await your turn.
4) RESPECT EVERYONES PRONOUNS!! Should be given considering I'm trans myself and go by she/they pronouns. I'll even joke about myself. However does not give you the right to go into rants here. Your pronouns here will turn into was/were for this stream.
5) RELAX! We are here for a fun time not a long time. Here, your worries can just fade away. Escape reality for a while. Its a place of SAFETY. Don't take it for granted
6) EVERY TUESDAY WE HAVE TACOS. No we will not elaborate nor provide the tacos
CPU: Ryzen 9 5900X 12 core processor GPU: MSI GeForce RTX 4070 RAM: Corsair 64GB MIC: Elgato Wave DX Audio Interface: TEYUN Q-12 Keyboard: Ryzen Mouse: Corsair Headset: Ryzen Kraken X VR Headset: Oculus Quest 2
!twitter - link to twitter !discord - link to the discord server !patreon - support the patreon page !donate - send tips (not required but appreciated) !boop @user - boop a specific user in chat !hug @user - hug a specific user in chat !hugall - hug everyone in chat !who - twitch/socials of people im playing with !steam - Steam name !fc - switch friend code !gamertag - xbox and ps gamertag !activision - activision tag !artist - link to artist of my emotes !lurk - dont wanna chat but still hang? !rules - rules of the current challenge (if applicable)
Tips are not required, but greatly appreciated. But seriously, you don't have to ;~;
If you'd like to get me gifts. I do have a throne set up for yall! https://throne.com/janedrolf