語音訊息: 500 ELobe 點數 !說 "你想說的任何話" (請保持禮貌:))
表情符號煙火: 1000 ELobe 點數 !777 小煙火:點數免費 (3個連續表情符號,觸發自訂的表情)
禮物抽獎: 將在未來啟用
Text-to-Sound: 500 ELobe points !tts "anything you want to say" (but plz don't be rude :))
Kappagen: 1000 ELobe points !777 (3 emoji combo to enjoy the small but customized emoji fireworks: point free)
Giveaway: Will be enabled in the future
觀看 10 分鐘獲得 100 ELobe 點數
追隨獲得 1000 ELobe 點數
賭盤和拉霸機 (!轉 點數) (!拉 點數)
對決其他觀眾 (!撞 其他觀眾ID 點數) (!接戰 / !拒絕)
由台主發起抽獎 (!抽)
投票賭局 (由台主發起) (!投 選項 點數)
Watch for 10 minutes to earn 100 ELobe points.
Follow to earn 1000 ELobe points.
Gambling (!roulette points) (!slots points)
Duel (!duel username points) (!accept / !deny)
Raffle (started by the streamer) (!join)
Contest (started by the streamer) (!bet option points)
⚠警告: 所有donate將用來滿足台主的個人私慾,絕不會用來進行禮物抽獎等觀眾回饋活動🙃