一隻金魚 遊戲坑蠻廣,有好玩、想看我玩的遊戲歡迎推坑
非技術型玩家 不要對我的操作指指點點,除非我問你們意見 跟我打請做好腦溢血準備,想一起玩直接在聊天室跟我說就好
可打嘴砲可開車,分寸自行拿捏,太超過還是會提醒的ㄛᕕ ( ᐛ ) ᕗ
英文、中文、台語 👌 其他語言 🚫
hi there, I'm goldfish!
come from Taiwan and stream all kind of games. recommendations for more games? welcome!
NOT a skilled gamer plz don't be a Back seat driver If you want to play games with me, just say it in chat.
take easy, just enjoy the stream♥
If u talk in English, I'll be really appreciate. cause I only can talk in Eng/ Mandarin
CPU: Intel i5-13500 VGA: MSI RTX4060 gaming X MB: MSI B760M MORTAR RAM: ADATA DDR5 5600 XPG Lancer 16GB*2 SSD: Micorn P5 plus 1T/ Micorn P3 plus 500G Cooler: Montech air cooler 210 Case: Montech SKY ONE LITE Monitor: AOC C27G2Z Mouse: ROG Keris Wireless Headset: Razer Barracuda X - Quartz Mic: HyperX QuadCast Keyboard: Ducky One 2
如果喜歡我的實況 想贊助點生活費/ 硬體設備基金/ 新衣裝 非常感謝٩(。・ω・。)و
斗內不是必須! 請先照顧好自己再抖內
If u like my stream. These donations would use to fund tech upgrades, new outfits, living expenses.
Thank you so much for your generous donation! ٩(。・ω・。)و
donate isn't necessary! take care urself first!
華南銀行 008-777204752982 銀行匯款不會有斗內通知!如果有匯款麻煩跟我說~不然我會以為被拿去當詐騙帳號(´・ω・`)