Chat Rules!
- Spammers and bigots will be banned without warning
- Do not abuse all caps, emoji, or spaces, or impair readability
- Do not promote yourself, others, or brands
- Do not insult others
- Do not share personal information
- Do not ask to be a mod
- Do not repeat yourself
- Do not impersonate others
- Do not fake tips
- Do not derail the chat with intentionally distracting questions
- Do not ask if people can see your messages
- If you ask about the rules I will time you out or ban you depending on my mood. If you don't understand the meaning or intent of these words, go ask a trusted adult.
- Do not comment on the number of viewers, likes, or dislikes.
- Do not complain about YouTube chat glitches. I know, they frustrate me too, but there's nothing I can do.
- Do not ask if you can ask a question, just ask the question itself.
Support my efforts:
I appreciate y'all's help via:
Check out my albums, Redacted Hills Sings Joe Hills at:
Volume 1:
Volume 2:
Howdy, y'all!
Joe Hills here, streaming as I always do from Nashville, Tennessee!
I'm generally streaming from the Hermitcraft server, an invite-only vanilla Minecraft server. I don't have the ability to invite anyone new, which a lot of y'all seem to ask about.
Find me on the web!