-My name is Joey Kaotyk, IRL streamer. 你好! 可以叫我 Joey 或 91. 戶外實況主 台灣工商聯絡: [email protected]
-Professional B-Boy (breakdancer) of Gorilla Warfare Crew
-Born in Taiwan, raised in California 510
-我可以說中文歐! :) English & Mandarin
-Previously at Tiffany & Co
-Video games, DJing, Cardistry, Cats, Travelling, photographing, music curator as hobbies _ Starting soon by @Judacraz
ad free, emotes, sub badges and sub only access on discord hopefully to lock down some future sub only giveaways with potential sponsors.
$1 / 100 bits TTS 10 gifted subs = BOOBAS 20 gifted subs backflip countdown 50 gifted subs roundoff backflip 100 gifted subs breakdance $22 / 2200 bits triggers project wheel $25 / 2500 bits triggers project metal $100 / 10000 bits balance on one hand anywhere
receive ether: 0x923ea64F28F2ca93bdBdf87d2D18d2ec53B56CcB
台灣 ECPAY: https://p.ecpay.com.tw/6812E72
Bits List:
69 bits - anime wow 100 bits - Lit Arigato 101 bits - YEE YEE 102 bits - Chong Shut Up Bitch 103 bits - Hurry Up and Buy 104 bits - Pepega 105 bits - You Trippin' Dawg 106 bits – This Is So AIDS 107 bits - How Stupid Can I Be 108 bits - Why Are You Still Talking??? 109 bits - Loser 110 bits – STOP COOMIN 111 bits - Uganda Chong Lee 112 bits - CHONG LEE WATAAAAAHH 113 bits - Oh my god. WOW 114 bits - 一代一代一代 115 bits - 欸這穿山甲欸 116 bits - 阿北初四了 117 bits - 時間快到囉 118 bits - Falling asleep 135 bits - hoe stfu 177 bits - SHEEEEEEEESHHHH 187 bits - Shut Up Yuju 191 bits - 91 BAICHUUU 201 bits - You Outta Pocket For That 202 bits - CRY 203 bits - Mission Passed + Respek 204 bits – No Sympathy For You 205 bits - Corona Virus 206 bits - You bout to get laid 207 bits - Everyone is now dumber listening to you 208 bits – Joey Rage 209 bits - That Was Unnecessary 210 bits - All you do is eat and sleep 211 bits - Shut up yo bitch ass up 212 bits - BRUH 213 bits - Boo Hoo Sad Violin 220 bits - DRINK WATER 269 bits - straight but kinda gay 277 bits - do you like HDL? 301 bits - KKona That’s My Sister 302 bits - AHHHHHH 303 bits - Kanye ANSWER 304 bits - You Totally Redeemed Yourself 305 bits – Hell to the No 306 bits - Pay the mods 307 bits - Pee On You 308 bits - RESPEK 401 bits - No Snitching 402 bits - The F You Lookin' At? 403 bits - You're Better Than That 404 bits - Kanye Stop talking Photos 405 Bits - My mind is Telling Me No 406 bits - My daily drugs 407 bits - DU MAAAAAA 408 bits - DLLM 501 bits - Sucky sucky 502 bits - Money Don't Grow On Trees 503 bits - I don't eat tw food 504 bits - Oh no no no PepeLaugh 505 bits - KEKW 506 bits - Buy my drink 507 bits - Feed Joey Booty 508 bits - BABABALENCIAGA 509 bits - ILIKESUSHI 510 bits - TIK TOKKER 511 bits - GNASKE'S COCK 512 bits - I AIN'T GOT NO CONTENT 666 bits - Woman Scream (The old 113) 886 bits - TAIWAN NUMBA 1 MUDDA FUKKA 1000 bits - INDIEHOME PAKET 1001 bits - Feed Joey Chicken 1002 bits - AYAYA DansGame 2500 bits - METALGEARSOLID ALERT RUN 4444 bits - ULTRA EAR RIP 5001 bits - Love me long time 10000 bits - I AM THE ONE TOAEIFNSADLOVCJDSIOGHES