처음에는 한국에 있는 친구들에게 관전모드용으로만 트위치 스트리밍을 시작했지만, 어느날 부터 이렇게 조금씩 부족함도 많은 저의 채널을 찾아와주신 고마운 분들이 방문해주셨네요. 목표가 있다면, 이제 방송을 통해 천천히 새로운 친구들과 좋은 인연도 맺고, 새로 시작한 이 소중한 인연을 오래 유지했으면 좋겠습니다. 글로벌 친구들도 만나면서 영어 연습도 저절로 하고, 새로운 문화도 배워가며, 저 또한 많은것들을 배워가는 기회가 되었으면 좋겠네요. 외국인 친구들에게도 우리 아름다운 한국 문화와 언어도 널리 알려주고 싶은 작은 희망도 갖고 있고요. 너무 욕심이 과한가요?힛.
Newly-born Princess Joohee's stream! I started this stream for spectating purpose for my friends in Korea since they were unable to spectate my games and to also watch media contents together as we chat. One day, viewers slowly started to visit and follow my channel which I feel truly grateful even though it lacks a lot compared to other entertaining channels. Now if I have a goal for this channel, it would probably be to establish new friendships with my viewers. With that newly established friendship, I would like to maintain this precious relationship for a long time. I wish to obtain opportunities such as practicing my English speaking skills as I meet new global friends along the way, learning diverse cultures, and many others. At the same time, I do hope that our global friends will have their own opportunity to learn about the beautiful culture of Korea and the language.
IGN (닉네임):
본캐 (Main account): ttv jooheeya (aka 공주마마)
부캐 (Smurf Account):
ttv jooheeya#NA1 Woori Joohee#NA1 ttv jooheeya#Woori ttv jooheeya #Eclat
While streaming, you might be able to see me playing on one of my other smurf accounts.
Server (서버): 북미 NA
Rank (랭크): 골드
Playing since: Late S5 (시즌 5 후반기 시작)
Main: Support (서폿유저)
Favorite Champ: Soraka (I play only Soraka) 좋아하는 챔프: 소라카
Nationality: Korean-Canadian
Location: Vancouver,Canada
Education: Yonsei University
Occupation: International Coordinator/Tutor
Language: I speak mostly Korean,but I will speak some English occasionally.
Games (주로 하는 게임): 롤만 하는 공주마마. 게임 재능도 없는데 롤을 가장 즐겨하쥬. 잘하고 싶어서 하는게 아니라, 즐길뿐! 공주마마님께서는 마이웨이니 들을 생각도, 더 잘하기 위해 배울 생각도 없으시답니다.
TFT는 오프라인일때 조용히 조금씩만 하는편이고요.
귀여운 스팀 게임도 가끔 해요~
I only play League but sometimes I quietly play TFT once a while when I'm offline. Although I don't have super talents at playing League or any other games, I just enjoy playing it. I don't strive to be great or be better at League. Just want to enjoy my time playing it. So please please~ I beg you~ Don't be toxic or even try to teach me,since I won't even listen.
I play some steam games as well:)
Songs: I have my own playlist but if you would like to know the singer/title of the song, I will gladly tell you if I can.
Chat Response: I talk with my friends through Discord or chat during streaming or in game and I miss the chat sometimes. During this time, I don't have opportunity to check the chat screen often, but I will try to respond as much as I can.
Friend Request:
Main Account-(본캐)X Smurf Account-(부캐)X Duo/Flex Rank- (듀오)X Normals (노말)- X Twitch (트위치) X
일단 가까운 우리 트위치 구독자들 친추만 본캐/부캐에 받도록 할게요.
For now, I can add my close subscribers on my accounts.
Content: 롤/방송 보기/롤챔/MV 보기
When I'm not playing League, I stream following media content to watch with my fam: -LCK -Kpop MV/stage performance
I hope viewers with interest in Korean culture and entertainment enjoy my stream.
Donation of $2+ will trigger the pop up. Normally, it would go towards keeping my stream going, Joohee's iced mocha frapp (❤ω❤) , black sugar bubble tea, and making Joohee a piggy º ㉦º)/ Donations are final and non-refundable.
Media Share Donation
Viewers may donate to share media on stream.
✿후원 이펙트✿
Special alert effect:
까까 사먹을거야,인터넷 데이터 용량도 늘릴거고, 이거 망할때쯤에는 듀얼 모니터도 구매할거야.
─★ Become a member of Joohee's Kingdom ★─
같이 일반 게임 해요.'◡'✿ Join in viewer games.
구독자 디코 채널.게임하면서 디코 죠인! Sub only discord.
광고 노노. No commercial or ads.
감사한 마음 잊지 않을게요. 공주님의 무한 사랑도 받거라~ My infinite love and gratitude.
3개월 구독자에게는 공주님 인스타 팔로우가 가능해집니다. After your three month resubs, you'll be able to follow on my Instagram.
1년 구독자에게는 본캐 친추 가능.
1 year resubs will be added on my main account and become true royal member in my kingdom.◟( ˘ ³˘)◞ ♡
✿✿Social Hierarchy of Joohee's Kingdom✿✿
왕족 (Royal): 최소 1년 구독 (min.1 year sub)
귀족 (Aristocrat): 8 month sub
양반 (Elite): 4 month sub
상인 (Merchant): 3 month sub
평민 (Commoner): 2 month sub
천민 (Farmer): 1 month sub
사람 (Human): 팔로우/Follow
노비 (Servant): 유령멤버/ghost member
*금액 (구독 티어) 상관없이 구독 개월 수 카운트.
매달 베스트 팔로워 선정해서 친한 멤버와만 인스타 친추 수락하도록 하겠습니다. 채팅 참여 많이 해주시고 저와 친해지도록 해요. 방문도장 꽝꽝 많이 찍어주시고용~(사실 이게 뭐라고, 사진도 자주 올리는것도 아닐텐데 말이죠). 또 다른 방법은 최소 3개월 구독하기! 진정한 쮸야의 서포터에게만 일상 모습을 보여드리고 싶네요.
Personally, I don't do SNS that often, but I'll try to capture and share some moments for my close family members.
Hint: I will select the best follower of the month in between, who actively participated in the chat. I would like to accept/add friends who becomes close, rather than just random ghost members. Hope we can get to know each other slowly. Please visit my stream often, so I can recognize you and learn about you a little more.
Another way to follow me on Instagram is by subscribing for at least three months and become my true supporter!
No harassment. No spamming. No links/advertisements. Don't be offensive.
Please be respectful to both streamer and viewers. This should be common sense. If you're going to be rude, please save yourself some embarrassment and time and quietly leave. It's not that hard.
This channel uses mainly Korean/English chat. This isn't any disrespect to anyone. I simply don't understand any other languages. So saying something that I don't understand seems counter productive. I will probably just assume you're trying to say something disrespectful and of course, I'm not going to waste my time with google translate to figure it out.
저뿐만 아니라 멤버들끼리 서로 존중해주세요.욕, 비하발언 금지, 어그로 노노함.
구독자분들은 디스코드 링크 신청 부탁드립니다. 트게더 게시판 대신 디스코드 채널로 변경했습니다. 수다도 떨고, 자유게시판겸, 공유도 하면서 친해지도록 해요! 제가 방송 안하고 오프라인 경우, 가장 자주 이용하는 공간이랍니다.
Subscribers can use our Discord channel to use it as freeboard, communicate with other stream members (including me), and share whatever you wish to. It is our little chat room to talk with family members and to get to know each other, of course! When I'm not streaming (offline), I will check and chat in this Discord channel often. Once you subscribe, please don't forget to request for our Discord link!