1: Please Be Respectful
You do not have to get along with everyone, but please be kind and treat others the way you would like to be treated.
2: No Hate Speech or Political Talk
This is not a stream for political discussion. We are inclusive to any and all race, gender and sexuality.
3: No Spamming
Do not disrupt the chat with spamming messages and links.
4: Be Safe!
Please be careful about sharing personal information in chat, this includes (addresses, schools, phone numbers, and other specifics alike.)
5: Doxing and Threats
Threats or indirect threats of doxing yourself or others could result in timeout or a ban. Threats in general are strictly prohibited.
6: Mature content
Please do not age drop for your safety, this stream is 18+ due to the games we play as well as more mature jokes being made! Bad language is allowed but please don't direct it at anyone!
7: Self-Promo
We want to support you! But please keep self-promoing to a minimum! I will shout you out if I know you make content!
8: Have fun!
Sit back grab a snack and relax! We are here to have a good time playing games! We do not promote toxicity of any kind! We play games for fun!