🩵WELCOME🩵 ➽ Name : Kelly ➽ Age : 5,5 in wolf years Check here ➽ German with Ukrain roots ➽ Variety Games ➽ Im cozy hyped impulsive pepega and ragey (hitting high vocals in scary games)
➽ Buisness Email: [email protected] ➽ ALL SOCIALS
❄️TWITCH LIFE❄️ ➽ First Stream - 18.01.2023 ➽ Affiliate - 24.01.2023 ➽ Partner - 22.11.2023 ➽ OC Debut - 27.07.2024
➽ Donation
➽ TTS at 50 Bits/1$
➽ A Donation is something i will never expect but if you want to support me you can click on the Panel to leave a Tip :3
➽ Every Donation which i get will be used to improve my Stream and for my Community to fund even more giveaways!
➽ Please keep in Mind a Donation is non-refundable and doesn't come with any goods or services.
➽ Thank you soooo much, i really appreciate your support <3
➽ TOP 5 ➽1. 1000€ Anonymous ➽1. 1000€ Anonymous 2 ➽2. 600$ ozzygaming 63 ➽3. 200€ TonytooGhost ➽4. 105€ Pride2Escanor ➽5. 50€ Gravesaw
➽ パパ: KenKenMo6 ➽ Mr.Editor: kokurai ➽ Emotes: aewith ➽ Animated Emotes: Mad_Demian ➽ Start/BRB Screen Torusava ➽ Animation Start/BRB Xologisi ➽ Lore thecoolertot ➽ Transition DexPixel ➽ Overlays KenKenMo6 & rose ➽ Sub/Bit Badges aewith ➽ Overlay + Logo KenKenMo6 ➽ Chat Widget nanagadesign ➽ Debut Trailer eroniicx ➽ Model Reveal Karutaproject ➽ Eyes Banner Nynbug ➽ Idol Signature SerenaKupopo ➽ Alerts Cappuccineko