If you have any great book recommendations please join my discord (https://discord.gg/nYN6KEd) and put it in the book corner channel so i don't forget the name and can check it out! I'll try to keep this updated so we can talk about any books I'm working on!
(rough) List of books I'ive read in the past ~3 years:
The broken earth series
The night circus
the birds of pandemonium
the genius of birds
Black Dagger Brotherhood series
The Immortal rules series
Altered Carbon (just the first)
King killer chronicles
Mistborn series (finished the first 3)
Stormlight Archives
Throne of Glass series
From Blood and Ash series
The cruel prince
The Wicked Kingdom
Bonds that Tie
Gild (raven kennedy)
Lightbringer Series
Inheritance cycle (eragon)
fourth wing