⚠ 以下すべてNGです ⚠
✖ 同じコメントの連投、会話の流れと関係のない話 (自分語り等✖)
✖ 落ちますコメント
✖ 鳩、他配信者さんのお話
✖ リスナーさん同士での会話
✖ 「助かる」「挨拶に名前を入れる」コメント
✖ ネタバレと指示、セクハラやデリカシーに欠けるようなコメント
- Requests for the Stream -
Please do not drag on inside jokes.
Ignore and report any trolling or rule violations.
Give advice only when asked for.
The following are NOT ALLOWED:
✖ Repeating the same comment multiple times or off-topic discussions (e.g., personal stories, etc.).
✖ Comments about leaving the stream.
✖ Talking about other streamers (e.g., mentioning other streamers).
✖ Conversations between viewers.
✖ Comments like "That helps," or including someone's name in greetings.
✖ Greeting other viewers, commenting "Nice Super-chat" or "Nice Gift" regarding donations or gifts.
✖ Spoilers, giving instructions, or making inappropriate, disrespectful comments.
Please note: Repeated violations may result in being blocked. Thank you for understanding.
This text was created by ChatGPT, so I apologize if there are any grammatical mistakes.