我是咕咕, 興趣使然的實況主
I'm KuKu, this is a relaxed channel.
Lonely when no one can chat while playing games
聊天室規則/Chat Rule
1.禁止人身攻擊 / Don't make personal attacks
2.禁止廣告/病毒連結 / Don't shard url of advert or virus
3.禁止過長內容 / Don't push the content with too long
4.留言"簽到"可獲取咕咕點數, 詳細規則/紀錄/獎品表: https://reurl.cc/Y6VeZn
5.有興趣當咕咕小幫手的可以參考小幫手資訊/紀錄/獎項: https://reurl.cc/Mkbyr4
貧瘠之地謎團攻略/Tips of The Mysteries Hidden Throughout The Barrens