Hello! My name is Lana Lane, you can either just call me Lana or stinky.
I am a full-time streamer, former art teacher and graphic designer! During my streams you'll mainly see me play Destiny 2 but I also do some variety as well!
Q & A:
Q: Is LanaLane a smallville reference?
A: I am a superhero fan, so I mixed 2 names: Lana Lang and Louis Lane since my real name is Lana :D My idol is Wonderwoman <3
Q: Where is your accent from?
A: Sweden! I'm from middle-east but lived in Sweden since I was a baby. So I speak: swedish, arabic, kurdish and english! But I think my accent is more swedish than anything else. Heja Sverige!
Q: How old are you?
A: 69420 @.@
Q: Why are you so stinky?
A: I don't shower.