I'm currently:
The following will result in a verbal warning then a timeout:
Be civil, no cursing! No sexually charged jokes! Keep the chat family-friendly.
Do not be aggressive towards other people (no name-calling)
Do not lie. Definitely do not lie about other people in chat. We don't have time for that here.
No wars. We don't care about text editors or operating systems here. Do not look down on other people for their choices. Healthy discussion is fine, though!
If the problem persists, we will ban you from the channel. If you feel your timeout / ban was unnecessary, please contact me and we can talk about it.
Hey, I am James. I go by Leios (pronounced Layos) online, but you can call me whatever. I don't mind.
I like long walks on the beach, ice cream, and linux. In fact, I use linux almost exclusively.
My day-to-day work involves running complicated simulations on large-scale computing clusters. That said, it's research code. It doesn't have to look pretty, it just has to work. If you have anything to say about me or my programming style, feel free to let me hear it!
I would like to point out that these streams will be posted on my youtube channel LeiosOS after they have been finished and I have introduced the question to my subscribers.
That's about it for now. Feel free to ask any questions and I'll do my best to answer them!
As always, thanks for watching!
Can I link things in chat?
Sure, but be warned: links that are not relevant to the conversation will be destroyed.
Can I promote my stuff?
If you are active in chat, sure! Don't spam, though. That's annoying.
Why is your code so ugly?
I have a specific niche and my coding reflects that. Please feel free to tell me what I am doing wrong and why you don't like it! More than that, feel free to submit pull requests later on my github account. I'll look through them and figure everything out!
Why are you so ugly?
My mother always said you are what you eat. I ate an ugly person. My bad.
What's up with the cow?
I'm a physicist. What can I say?
Thanks for watching!
All music is found provided by Josh Woodward (sometimes sped up to 1.5 speed). Link here: http://www.joshwoodward.com/#/
Josh is awesome and provides most of his music under a creative commons license, which means it's free to use, download, share, etc. Be sure to check him out!
Thanks for watching!