Hello! I'm Leliea Serenade. Your Kind Dark Lord. You can call me Leliea / Lily. ✦ I'm a Gamer. I play variety of games. ✦ I love music, and design. I write my own music. ✦ You are so precious to me. Please put yourself first. Take good care of yourself. I don't want to worry about you. ✦ I'm trying to explore more categories.
✦ 5 November is my Twitch anniversary and 16 November is my Birthday. Please join us and celebrate all month long.✦ 歡迎來到紅月冰堡。請以Leliea/皇女/莉莉來稱呼台主。 ✦ 皇女是遊戲勢實況主。專攻遊戲首發/任天堂/橫版/動作/JRPG/模擬經營類遊戲/音遊/手機遊戲 (e.g 妮姬/FGO) ✦ 本人是Vtuber,但不走傳統Vtuber路線。不要把「是VTUBER就應該要做XXX節目」的規則套在我身上。我的定位是Gamer。我所有遊戲都能當雜談開。只要你想我就能聊。 ✦ Youtube 100% 中文內容,每周最少實況一次。訂閱+鈴鐺一下YT/twitter 以免錯過實況。 ✦ 每年11月為本台的狂歡月。11月5日是台慶,11月16日是皇女生日。一起開心由月頭慶祝到月尾!
Aug 2023 Notice: My voice is too sweet. Sometimes you might think we are close so I'm okay to accept your "jokes" and your misbehavior. I probably won't ban you immediately if you don't follow the rules. However, I will record everything you are being unpolite to me and post it on my clip channel :) I'm respectful and have been nice to all of you even though you are being rude to me. However, no one taking the rule seriously and paying respect to me. I'm no longer accpecting all of these misbehavior. Please be considerate.
This rules effective immediately.
✦ You can use English, Chinese (Cantonese, Mandarin) in chat. For English and Mandarin, please avoid using too much slang. I'll reply in the languages you type, but it depends on the stream content. I can read a little Japanese, but I cannot speak. ✦ Please do not bring up other streamer or vtuber in chat, unless I mention them first. Using filtered words and implying the other streamer is a NO-NO.
✦ Please do not Direct Message me on any of the social media platforms. No personal or 1:1 chat. ✦ No Backseat. ✦ Do not ask for, or guess any of my personal information. Please be respectful. ✦Be polite. My attitude to you is based on how you treat me. ✦Do not promote without permission. ✦No Hate speech, political debate, emotional blackmail, sexual harassment, and slurs. ✦Please do not mention me on the other streamer or vtuber's stream. ✦I'll never be your mommy, girlfriend, or wife in reality. ✦Common Sense. For Chinese version, please refer to my Youtube Channel
Donation - Streamlabs ✦ Your support is always my motivation. However, please Putting Yourself First ✦ No refund ✦ For Hong Kong viewers, please consider to join membership on Youtube. You can enojy Cantonese Member-Only Stream (Tier2 and above member) and Physical Mech + Signed Cheki (Tier4 Member).
✦ Former Goddess of Kindness, later betrayed by humans. ✦ She revenge as the new Dark lore and united the devildom. ✦ She believes greed is precipitating the end of mankind. ✦ She now work as a mercenary-for-hire in the human world to stir up greediness. ✦ She renamed herself in the mercenary world as Serenade, meaning the love song (requiem) to her precious humans. ✦ Her real name remains a mystery.