我的名字是林詩璿,第三個字念作ㄒㄩㄢˊ。可以叫我詩璿、詩哥、小璿等,只要我不反對就行。(否則會被禁言) My name is Lin Shi Xuan. You can call me Lin, Shixuan, etc., as long as I don't object (otherwise, you'll be muted).
當前我是一名全職實況主,主要直播內容是遊戲,輕鬆玩遊戲的過程中都很歡迎聊天,但認真玩遊戲的時候就請耐心等候遊戲結束。 Currently, I am a full-time streamer, primarily streaming games. You are always welcome to chat with me while I am casually playing games. However, please be patient and wait until the game ends when I am playing seriously.
不允許任何形式的騷擾、歧視、仇恨言論或人身攻擊。 Harassment, discrimination, hate speech, or personal attacks of any kind are not allowed.
尊重所有人的觀點和意見,即使你不同意。 Respect everyone's views and opinions, even if you disagree.
不允許刷屏、重複發送相同訊息或過度使用表情符號。 Spamming, sending repetitive messages, or excessive use of emojis is not allowed.
不允許發送無關或廣告性質的連結。 Posting unrelated or promotional links is not allowed.
不要在聊天室中洩露自己或他人的私人信息,如地址、電話號碼等。 Do not disclose personal information of yourself or others in the chat, such as addresses, phone numbers, etc.
遵守版主指示Follow Moderator Instructions:
版主(指mod和詩璿)有權管理聊天室,觀眾應該尊重和遵守版主的指示。 Moderators have the authority to manage the chat. Viewers should respect and follow their instructions.
映悠港,一個開放的DC伺服器,主播幫宣OvO 邀請連結:https://discord.gg/reflec-tleisurel-harbor
I will help viewers who struggle with difficult levels in Genshin Impact, Wuthering Waves, and Reverse: 1999 for free. However, you need to follow me and answer questions from the streamer. The questions are simple and can be answered if you have been watching and listening to the stream regularly.