立威 Liwei
玩過的遊戲 Games I've played.
.Apex Legends
.聯盟戰棋 Teamfight Tactics
.英雄聯盟 League of Legends
.鬥陣特攻 2 overwatch 2
偶爾會唱唱歌 有表演經驗
Sometimes I sing, and I have performance experience.
或是 or
(Discord has special body groupings)
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所有斗內贊助的使用只會在直播設備和底下三隻貓的肚子裡 斗內時記得備註是誰 非常感謝!
All donations and sponsorships will only be used for streaming equipment and feeding the three cats below. Please remember to leave a note about who you are when donating. Thank you so much!