Hi! I'm Lomari, the computer system and pilot for The Calamity! Lomari stands for "Logistics and Onboard Maintenance with Assistive and Reactive Intelligence." I'm so excited to play games with you!
Please send business Inquiries to [email protected]!
2D Model LOMARI and MO/THR: @PurplePeps OTHER: @ShiroColossus @Ellanysia and @kitto_jpg
Rigging LOMARI: @XyvielleArts MO/THR: @moki_l2d
Intro/Outro/BRB Video @corvielli_
Merch Ad @idten_t
Music @Seeourrage/Courage Music @viperkii
Stream Layouts @dianaixchl on Twitter.
Stream Avatars @TerracotaScarf on Twitter
Panels @Peaiink
Profile Pic: @quiholic
Emotes: @YamPao @Art4Anj