I’m LunarPrincess29, and I want to thank you for visiting! I’m 30+
I work by day and stream by night.
If you enjoy watching someone get scared and scream feel free to hit the heart and stick around! I appreciate you! :D
Soy LunarPrincess29 y quiero agradecerte por visitarme! Tengo 30+ años.
Trabajo de día y hago streaming de noche.
De vez en cuando juegos de cuentos. Si te gusta ver a alguien asustarse y gritar, ¡siéntete libre de darle al corazón y quedarte aquí! ¡Te aprecio! :D
First Stream: December 31, 2021 Affiliate: January 28, 2022
How long have I been playing Warframe?
How long have I been playing DBD?
I played Resident Evil Series (Not the side games, just the number games) from Fall 2022 to Winter 2024.
I beat Elden Ring and became Elden Lordess a year after the game came out. LOL
Mods: !banned !bean !cod !death+ !dc !discord !epic !escape !quiet !so !thankyou !tweet !wf !wrong
VIP Commands: !noot
Everybody: !abrazo !amor !beans !beso !bite !bonk !cookie !dcs !dead !death !dogdance !gg !golpear !escaped !hug !hype !hype2 !hype3 !koshka !lick !love !lurk !mordida !nalgada !reglas !rules !spank