♡ ENGLISH ONLY in chat
♡ NO BACK SEAT GAMERS, unless I ask
for it <3
♡ Please keep chat on topic with stream and refrain from having any 3rd party discussion
♡ When I'm playing a game, please DO NOT suggest I play another game (that's just rude and basic streamer etiquette)
♡ DO NOT discuss your age or location in chat
♡ No Self Promoting
♡ No Trauma Dumping, I am not your therapist nor is anyone else in this chat. So to make things comfortable for everyone, please refrain from doing so.
♡ No NSFW in chat
♡ Don't be racist, rude, or sexual
♡ Please do not try and "make a move/ cat-call" me
♡ Do not "baby" me, I am grown adult that knows their limits. So please understand and refrain from doing so~
♡ Be nice and appropriate to everyone in chat!