Stream Town Game
How to play:
!create - Create your character
!role [role] - Determine your role
-Builder - makes buildings
-Logger - Collects wood
-Miner - Collects ore
-Gatherer - Collects Food from bushes
-Fisher - Collects Food from Rivers
-Farmer - Collects Food from Farms
-Defender - Basic melee
-Solider - Strong melee
-Ranger - Ranged unit
-Priest - Healing unit
-Paladin - Healing unit
-Wizard - Ranged unit
-Necromancer - Ranged unit
Station and Targeting
!station - Display all of the available station IDs for your character
!station [ID] - et your character's station. Targets are the resources or enemies that your character will move to in order to complete their tasks
!target - Display all of the available target IDs for your character.
!target [TargetID] - Set your character target.