I would like for this stream to be a safe space for mature audiences to just hang out and play games xD
Overall rule: Please don't be a butt head or come in here to cause trouble because you will be timed out/banned.
Any form of racism, hate speech, harassment or inappropriate language in chat will result in an immediate ban
Any blatant self promo in chat should be kept to a minimum or not at all, things like that I will ask for.
No conversations against TOS, that includes putting inappropriate links in chat
Back seating: Alot of the games I'm playing are first playthroughs for myself, so pleaseee do not spoil the game for myself or anyone else. If you have to be warned about heavy backseating more than once this will result in a timeout and then a ban.
Lastly : Treat others how you want to be treated, no disrespecting anyone
If you're not sure. Just ask, thankyou ♡