Want to leave a tip for Martin and support the channel? While tipping isn't required, it's like adding fuel to the Stumpy's Drome Army tank! Your contributions, big or small, help keep the stream running smoothly and are deeply appreciated. Click the link below if you'd like to be a hero today! Please note that tips are non-refundable.
1) Be positive and helpful: Spread good vibes and lend a hand to fellow viewers whenever you can.
2) Respect the moderators: Listen to and follow the guidance of our moderators—they're here to ensure everyone has a great time.
3) No self-promotion: Let's keep the focus on the stream and community—no advertising your own content or channels.
4) Respect Martin's gameplay: Please refrain from asking to join Martin in games or asking him to play with other streamers.
5) Respect other streamers: Let's keep the drama off-stream—no disrespecting other streamers or creating unnecessary conflicts.
6) No clip, song, or game requests: While we love suggestions, please don't ask Martin to play specific clips, songs, or games.
7) No jokes about mental disorders: Mental health is important—let's keep the chat respectful and welcoming for everyone.
8) No racism or discrimination: We have a zero-tolerance policy for any form of discrimination or hateful language.
9) English-only chat: To ensure everyone can participate, please keep the chat in English. Avoid controversial topics:
10) Let's keep things light and fun—no discussions about religion, politics, or other sensitive topics.
11) No trading or selling accounts or currency: Keep the chat focused on the stream—no trading or selling of online accounts or currency.
Join Stumpy's Drome Army in the Throne Gifting Suite! Together, we can make dreams a reality by collectively contributing towards items on my wishlist. Once the goal is reached, the item is securely shipped to me, ensuring I can continue providing top-notch content for the community. Click the link below to be a part of something amazing!
Want to show extra love and support for Martin's stream? You can now donate crypto to fuel Stumpy's Drome Army! While it's completely optional, every contribution is deeply appreciated and goes a long way in keeping the stream going strong. Click the link below if you'd like to make a difference today!
Want to show extra love and support for Martin's stream? You can now contribute to Martin's Throne gifting suite wish list! While it's completely optional, every gift is deeply appreciated and goes a long way in keeping the stream going strong. Click the link below if you'd like to make a difference today!