ALL tips and interactions are non-refundable!
TTS (Text to Speech)
- Please do not use TTS to spam.
- If your message is too long, we reserve the right to skip it without refunding.
- Messages must be TOS friendly. Do not submit anything racist, sexist, pornographic, etc.
- We reserve the right to skip any long/boring/repeat videos. Remember that we cannot refund for any videos that are skipped or not played.
- Videos must be TOS friendly and not age restricted. Test in incognito to make sure video is not age restricted before submitting.
- Maximum clip length is 3:30. We want to watch as many clips and videos as possible during our Media Share streams, so keeping the length capped keeps it moving and fun for us and our viewers!
- When these interactions are enabled, feel free to spam us with them.
- We can turn off these interactions at any time, regardless of the queue.
- No refunds!