Be nice to each other, to mods, and to me! This is a comfy, friendly stream, please don't make edgy jokes or be explicitly sexual. Compliments are welcome, but this is not the place to be if you just want to flirt ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ we do good vibes here
Any form of racism, sexism, bigotry, or bullying will not be tolerated
Don't argue with mods
This stream is intended for adults. Please be aware there may be mature content
Please don't backseat game unless I specifically ask for help. If you wanna offer a hint, feel free to ask if I'd like one!(*^-^*)
This is an English-only stream, please
As a full-time streamer, your donations are what keeps the channel running, and they are so very appreciated. However, please make sure to prioritize yourself! I am just a silly bunny in your computer :3c