Please keep the chat in English, Mandarin or Japanese. 聊天室可使用中文、英文、日文。
DO NOT call me by any name other than Miki. 可以叫我Miki或是老師,不要叫我米奇,我會生氣。我不喜歡別人叫我姐姐。
Please respect each other in the chat. Offending my friends or chat=offending me, you'll not be welcomed anymore. 請互相尊重,勿進行人身攻擊或刺探我的個人隱私。冒犯我的朋友或是觀眾=冒犯我,一率謝絕交流。
Be nice and friendly, any toxic behaviour of hate, racism, sexism, homophobic is unacceptable and will be banned immediately. 對待他人請保持尊重與友善。任何含有仇恨、種族歧視、性別歧視、恐同等不良行為皆不被接受,如有發現即刻踢除。
Do not use any overly intimate words or words that make me feel uncomfortable. (e.g. Wife/Babe/I Love You etc) 請勿使用太過親密的稱呼或是說出令人不舒服的字詞(EX: 老婆/寶貝/我愛你之類的)。
No political & religious topics are allowed here. 請勿於此談論政治或是宗教類型話題。
No spoilers in games (and in any other streams)! No back seating. 請勿於任何直播中劇透相關劇情,也請不要有任何指示行為。
Do not spam or type in too lengthy message. 請勿輸入過長的訊息、洗版聊天室。
I suck at almost every game, please don't be harsh on me. 請勿因為主播遊戲技術不精而批評。
Do not self promote or mention any other streamers. 請勿擅自推銷自己的頻道或是提起其他實況主。
If I missed your message, please remind politely. No emotional blackmailing is allowed! 如果我漏掉你的訊息,請有禮貌地提醒,任何包含情緒勒索的發言(不論是否為玩笑)都會被ban。
I won't be switching to games that are out of my initial plans during streaming. Do not try to "suggest" me to play with you. 如無意外,直播途中不會更換遊戲,請不要試圖"建議"我換遊戲或是要求一起玩(觀眾場除外)。
I respect everyone's choice of game but please refrain from talking about Genshin Impact. 我尊重所有人對遊戲的選擇,但是請不要在我的地盤提起原神。
Time zone: GMT+8/時區: 台灣 Hey! Nice to meet you my fren, I'm Miki, a griffin Vtuber who likes to draw, play games, and chat. 大家好,我是獅鷲Vtuber Miki,頻道基本都是遊戲、畫畫、雜談。
Games I play: Monster Hunter series(10+years veteran), Ring Fit Adventure, Legend of Zelda, Teamfight Tactic. 我玩: 魔物獵人(10+年) 健身環 薩爾達系列 聯盟戰棋(歐服&PBE)
I stream on Monday, Thursday, and weekends at 6:00 GMT+8. 如無特別通知,每週固定台灣時間四、六、日、一的早上6:00開台。
For any query please contact:
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Tippings cannot be refunded! 如果喜歡我的內容,歡迎透過以上連結斗內。所有斗內皆不可退費。
Caesar (channel mascot) design: