1. Be Respectful
Please no racist, sexist, or homophobic speech. If someone is doing something that makes you uncomfortable, or that blatantly feels wrong, please contact a moderator.
2. Keep it PG-13
Cussing is allowed, but don't over do it or use it as a way to attack other people. No NSFW.
3. Moderator Word is Final
4. No Spamming
5. About Other Streamers...
Please don't randomly bring up other streamers, unless it is on topic. :)
6. No Back-Seating
I will request if I need any help.
7. Have Fun!
Please make sure you have had read the rules at least once. My goal is to keep the community a safe place for all that join, and even those who don't. If you wish to not respect the rules in place here, please leave of your own accord.