ღ 10000 캠리액션 cam face *airplane
ღ1000bit cam face (butterfly,airplane) ღ230bit cute ღ340 bit yap ღ450bit sakuranbo ღ510bit CPR ღ560bit cotton candy ღ670bit bumble bee ღ680bit tin tang ღ690bit toca toca ღ700bit hothae ღ750bit EDM timo ღ850bit zero two ღ900bit traffic control ღ1100bit queen bee ღ1500bit idol dance ღ 1900 ankha dance ღ2000bit like u ღ2100bit kokain ღ2200bit Eku ღ2300bit ahegao ღ2400 ankha dance ღ2500bit daiski ღ2800bit EDM ღ3200bit Paranu ღ3600bit motorcycle ღ10000bit Dance medeley
1.호칭은 시아님으로 통일(눈나,형,선생님 경고1회) 2.게임할때 과몰입,훈수,비꼬기,비교 할시 경고1회 3.신상,과거,나이,사생활 언급금지흐름 끊는 채팅 경고1회 4.얼평,몸평 ㅇㅇ닮았어요 , 스트리머가 언급안한 타 스트리머 언급 경고1회
경고 2회 누적 후 바로 벤입니다 규칙 잘 지켜주세요
The title is unified as Sianim. Personal information, past, age, and personal information are prohibited. Mention of viewer nicknames and social interactions are prohibited. No chatting that breaks the flow No excessive personal questions Appearance and body reviews resemble ㅇㅇ, prohibited. No mention of other streamers or platforms Informal language, profanity, politics, religion, and sexual remarks are prohibited. Prohibition on bullying and aggro No coercion, admonishment, sarcasm or rude remarks. Remarks unrelated to broadcasting If you violate any of the reasons above, you will be punished. Please chat a lot of emoticons during dance time. To best communicate with the streamer, please use a Korean translator.
请大家在直播期间全神贯注于主播。 請勿對直播內容、收視人數、與其他主播進行比較或在聊天室中過度提及其他主播進行任何不必要的負面評論。 任何降低主播廣播意願的聊天都是立即BAN。 任何與廣播無關的批評/仇恨/侮辱/性騷擾等,如政治、宗教、國籍、種族、性別、性取向等。 為了與主播進行最佳交流,請使用韓語翻譯。 觀看者之間過多的標籤對話將被暫時阻止或被禁止,因此請不要這樣做。 「禮貌」在任何情況下都很重要,它並不限於任何特定的國家或種族。就像主播盡最大努力為觀眾互動一樣,觀眾也應該對主播和其他觀眾保持禮貌。 主播跳舞時請多使用貼圖。 聊天方式使觀眾。