45 Bits = Womp Womp 47 Bits = SLC Punk Laserdisc 50 Bits = Komodo Do Not Think Thoughts 54 Bits = Godzilla 55 Bits = Dynamite Cop "Thank You For Saving Me" Scare 60 Bits = Gaston 62 Bits = Weird Guy Ace 64 Bits = N64 Kid 65 Bits = Billy Madison Donkey Kong 69 Bits = AndySocialNetwork 70 Bits = Tayne 75 Bits = Bourby’s Not A Friend 76 Bits = Andy Troll 79 Bits = Muppet Movie "Drinks On The House" 80 Bits = Goofy Movie Leaning Tower Of Cheeza 82 Bits = Short Circuit 2 "Los Locos" 84 Bits = Rock Biter Never Ending Story 88 Bits = Your Worst Nightmare Butthorn! 86 Bits = Cockmaster Redemption 89 Bits = Beetlejuice Nice F'n Model (Laserdisc) 90 Bits = Extremely Goofy Movie Gloves 92 Bits = Darkman Take The F'n Elephant (Laserdisc) 93 Bits = Last Action Hero 94 Bits = PS1 Startup Screen 95 Bits = Billy Madison You Want Some Of This Milk? 97 Bits = Zero WHAT ARE WE FIGHTING FOOORRRR!! 100 Bits = I Like Money Idiocracy 121 Bits = Goofy Movie Powerline Eye2Eye 130 Bits = Snap Into A SlimJim 139 Bits = Gimli Speaks Elvish 140 Bits = Segata Sanshiro 150 Bits = MBMBAM Jumpscare! 164 Bits = 64 Bit Kiss 175 Bits = Devil May Cry “Dark Soul With Light” 187 Bits = MurderDeathKill 200 Bits = Howdy Partner! 250 Bits = Vegeta M’Dick 285 Bits = DS9 Sexy Quark 300 Bits = Showdown In Little Tokyo 316 Bits = Stone Cold 365 Bits = Biodome Billy Billy Billy 500 Bits = Artie Leaves Little Pete 666 Bits = Pokemon Ash Dies 700 Bits = Sad Squirrel From Sword In The Stone 1000 Bits = Cowboy Cry