Redeem the「期間限定抽獎(Spin the wheel!)」 with 3000 clawdust during the steam time in 9/27~9/29 The wheel will be spin at the end the streaming, one chance per day per person. The one who won the prize will get a little box that fill with thing from Japan or Taiwan. Why we will have prize from Japan ? Cause Mole is going to have a graduation trip in Kyushu with friends! BTW there's only one of us is going to graduate in this year Although I'll be in Taiwan at the birthday, I still have to work in graveyard shift, that's why we start the lottery that early. PLS give the chance to others if you already get the prize. ★Get double probability by subscription in one stream per person ( 1 for points redeem & 1 for sub) If you sub before the event start, Don't worry ! the sub still count in the lottery, just tell me when you want to use it.
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