Q: How old is Mikey? A: 30 actually 20
Q: What languages does Mikey speak? A: English, German, and Serbian.
Q: Does Mikey play anything other than Valorant? A: Nope, only Valorant. Every match is more dramatic than a Bollywood movie.
Q: When is the face reveal? A: Never on stream. But if you're on Discord, you've probably already seen me.
Q: When's the YouTube content coming? A: When Half-Life 3 drops.
Q: When will Mikey finally listen to your advice? A: Never. Mikey doesn’t take advice.
Q: How can I really help Mikey? A: Just be active and enjoy.
Q: Doesn’t Mikey want to be a famous millionaire streamer? A: Mikey just needs enough to get by. The goal is to play games and have fun with the community, not make millions.
Q: Why didn’t Mikey stream for two days? Is he okay? A: Relax, Mikey's just recharging his social batteries.
Q: When’s Mikey making a stream schedule? A: Once we get to 500 subs/month.
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