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VShojoは、カリフォルニア州サンフランシスコに本社を置くVTuberの会社です。 VShojoの使命は、献身的なマネージメント、技術革新、コラボレーション、サポートを通じて、彼らの情熱によりVTuberが職業へ遷移していくのを支援する事です。 VShojo Website VShojoグッズ
VShojo NOVA所属。
➖ ➖ ➖ ➖ ➖ ➖ ➖ ➖ ➖ ➖ A VShojo NOVA Member. A gamer high school girl from the Tokyo area. One day, while living her usual boring life, she was almost hit by a car on her way home and ended up being transported to another world. She obtained Excalibur, a weapon only chosen ones can wield, and fought with it, earning the title of "Hero" from the people. Since then, she has self-proclaimed herself as the "JK Hero (Super Strong)." Currently, she travels with three companions and streams to cover her living expenses. She has a fear of bugs and heights.
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