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大家好 我是愛吃米飯的米粒眠 aka Nabi的姊姊 aka 眠子奶奶 Hello, this is Nemurice aka Nabi's older sister aka Nemu the granny. I love eating rice!這裡是我的遊戲和日常頻道 This is my gaming and life channel
平時有化妝的時候就會開視訊 穿睡衣就會用皮 我的皮是眠貓把拔一條龍做的 有興趣可以去看看他的台! I sometimes stream with webcam and sometimes with my model when I don't feel like dressing up. My model is made by Nekonemumin Feel free to check him out!
我平時喜歡玩的遊戲主要是Apex, ARAM 所有PVP遊戲都是剛玩不久的新手 還在學習 玩過最久的遊戲是劍靈所以比較擅長PVE I mainly play apex and aram (lol). And I'm new to all PVP games because I used to play Blade & Soul only. So I'm only familiar with PVE gaming.
請不要在聊天室喋喋不休地教我怎麼玩 我的遊戲體驗來自於社交 不是分數和人頭 太煩人的話會被我禁言 Please do not backseat unless I ask for specific help. I enjoy playing games with my own ways, thank you.