Please be kind to each other! Be respectful of others in chat - racism, sexism, and anti-lgbtqia+ are absolutely not allowed.
Please no backseat gaming, tips, hints, spoilers, etc. asking if I need help/advice is ok though
Please try to not be randomly off-topic. If you're constantly being random; I will just ignore you or ban you.
Don't link/advertise yourself or other things on my streams without my consent. I will ban you because I know you didn't read the rules,
Don't be weird or gross.
Please don't trauma dump; I wish the best for you but I'm not able to help you. Good luck if things are going south though!
No politics or religion please.
Basically just use common sense and we should be good for the most part!
English only please! I'm not familiar with other languages so this is the easiest for me.
If you make me uncomfortable you will most likely be banned, don't be weird!
Computer Specs:
CPU: i5-12600K 3.70 GHz GPU: 3070ti RAM: 32.0 GB
Commands: !lurk !niantastic
What guitars do you have?
Suhr Modern Custom 2013 Suhr Modern Custom 2015 Tom Anderson Drop Top Skervesen Raptor 6 Ibanez J-Custom RG8560
What do you play through?
Axe FXII straight into my computer through OBS.
"How Do I Support You?"
Stopping by and saying Hi already makes my day and sticking around and lurking makes the world!
Not required and I rather see you support yourself first!
I am Nian Nian! I'm a Divine Lion Dancer that snuck into this world. I kinda let my last world go boom while I was slacking from my duties! So I traded my divinity to hide out and slack off over here! Feel free to enjoy whatever show is going on!
I love playing a variety of video games and I love playing guitar and drawing! You can catch me playing Monster Hunter mostly but I'll play other things as well! I mainly stream for fun so I hope you have fun watching!
3.0 Live2d Art: @ninoueco
3.0 Rigging: @Panko
Chibi Live2D/Rigging: @PhiaMelo
Starting Soon Screen: @milkywaybnuuy
Additional L2D Assets: @Misu_PurpleNeko
Emotes: @_kawarumii, @stickeemochee, @HimawariDreams, @Birdman @gaodesuu @Gumibun@mikarikichi @Yuracye @Himechui @_ashabanana @eelsoup_ @ycy9_ @SainaVT @HisuiCai @Yumizu
PNGTuber Art: @stickeemochee
Animated Follow Alert Art: Erisa
Lunar Tide Overlay: Cel_Osia
Sub Badges: Lavandere at Etsy
Comfy Bar: @chrone_co
Backgrounds: @MoonAoi_
Please support them and give them some love!