for my own sanity, tts is now 100+ bits!!! you can also use channel points where its on a cooldown
⚠️ other stuff to have in mind: ⚠️ i get overwhelmed easily, especially if im playing a new game so pls be patient. if im playing a variety or story game i will be focusing more on that so please keep chat on topic. it is not chatting/osu time, its game/story time. tts might also be turned off.
please dont ask me to check discord or social media (unless it related to stream topic), or otherwise try to bring my attention away from stream for your own individual attention. nina is for everyone, so pls share. you can always contact me on discord that i will (hopefully) check when im not streaming :>
uhhhh idk ask questions
hi my name is ninaiya, or you can call me nina or scrimbilicious for short
i mostly stream osu but sometimes other games. ive been trying to do more VR content lately. I also love talking to you guys!
my sleep schedule fluctuates. i dont really have a set stream schedule at the moment but i try to stream at least 4 times a week. If i have a schedule I'll post it on the discord server and maybe twitter
for osu i use a tablet. i mostly hover but drag when doing spinners. !area !keyboard !specs !tablet
im from canada!
three braincells. chat gave them names:
totally legit and epic lore for all the lore perverts out there, and definitely not a silly cover up for something more sinister and radioactive:
I was once a sad and lonely 72 year old man but then one day after suffering a heart attack on the streets of London, I woke up in some random osu players basement. He tried to teach me the way of osu, but my old nimble 72 year old fingers and depleting eyesight couldn't keep up with the fast pace of the circles on screen. I tried my very best but could barely pass mid 3* maps. With my failing health and lackluster osu skills, there was not much hope. But the random osu player had a plan... Not only was he a renowned osu champion, but he was studying ancient isekai texts, and was certain he had enough experience to perform an advanced ritual. One day when I was knocked out on sleeping meds, he cleared a space in the basement, drew some symbols on the floor, and dragged my limp body to the middle of it. Then he balanced his spare computer on top of my chest. Now all he had to do was activate the floor symbol and turn the computer on. (I know all this because he told me how he did it later). One second I was having a nice little snooze trying to sleep off the arthritis and carpel tunnel, next thing I know I'm bodyless, floating in the aether. All I could feel was my consciousness. I was dead. Or was I? Apparently a few years passed before the osu basement guy was able to make contact with me, but it felt like maybe 2 weeks to me. TWO WEEKS OF LONELY CONFUSION AND NO INTERNET. I almost went crazy. Anyways, dude finally contacts me and explains that my soul belonged to the osu gods now, so naturally that means i got turned into an anime girl that's apparently forever trapped in his computer and the internet. He told me that since I don't have to worry about old people things anymore, and can focus on becoming an osu legend. I told him I'd rather just play osu for fun, and also would like to play other games as well. I didn't think he'd agree, but to my surprise he was pretty chill and was like 'yeah sure whatever'. But now I understand. There is no leaving osu. You always come back next time. There is no osu for fun. Sure you can have fun while playing it, but it's not simply something you can do casually. Especially not for someone in my position. so yeah thats basically it. Nowadays I spend my time playing video games, watching anime, and performing my weekly osu quota in the basement.
^click on the image above to tip^
everything is really really appreciated ...but only if youre taking care of and treating yourself first!!! just being here and watching my streams is more than enough, i love all your support <3 I get 100% of this so all funds go towards making the stream better, paying for youtube/tiktok editors, rent, food, and taking over the world!!! >:D !!!
DISCLAIMER: By clicking on the 'Tip Me!' button and completing the transaction you certify that you are the rightful owner of the funds being tipped, and that all funds are 100% non-refundable. You certify that you are NOT tipping for the exchange of goods and services, but simply out of support.
Emotes by @lilrytsa or me, or maddio, or appll, or bancho (will add links soon)
Original art for profile picture by やすり
free to use "elf" live2d model - i modified the textures slightly
catgirl live2d model - i modified the textures slightly
3d model base edited version by me (i will add a list of all the assets i use soon)
'lobotomy' png model made by me
old png model made using