本台 台主是英文/日文/其他語言文盲 看不懂其他語言 如有需要互動可以翻譯成台主看的懂的語言 有機率回復+互動 台規請給我看一遍 不要再聊天室 違反規定了
(The host is illiterate in English/Japanese/other languages and can't read other languages If you need to interact, you can translate into a language that the host >>understands and there's a chance of >>a reply+interaction The rules of the station, please read them over and don't break the rules in the chat room again.) (ホストは英語/日本語/その他の言語に文盲であり、他の言語を読むことがで>きない 対話が必要な場合は、ホストが理解できる言語に翻訳し、返信+対話の可能性がある ステーションのルール、それをよく読んで、再びチャットルームでルールを破らないでください。)
◈ 1.0 Illustration @YukiNeko0975 (雪貓) ◈ 1.0 Live2D@Mat_cha_M(Zonecha宗茶)
企劃用- ◈ Q版泛用模型 Illustration/live2D- @0x4682B4(六碳糖) Illustration/live2D-光彩盛年
◈ Illustration/貼圖 米歐@Miochenxx 柒柒@Bai35461097
◈ Illustration/其他 綠界動畫/烤龍尾1.0+烤龍˙尾2.0- 沫藍 @sylphondyne 魚魚/木寶/捏捏臉-無患木 @uhumo23
◈Sternenhimmel繪 看板娘/泛用模型-小海鮮
Illustration-涉谷芒 @Ranpha_01
◈台規 1.請勿在聊天室刷頻釣魚 吵架 或是當下不相關的任何話題
Please do not troll, argue, or engage in irrelevant conversations in the chat room. (遊戲類別 請勿提到 鳴潮 者一律直接600 ) 2.請尊重聊天室的任何一位觀眾/或是實況主/繪師等....... Please respect any viewer of the chat room / or the factotum / Illustration .......
(人肉/騷擾/歧視/劇透/指揮/汙衊/吵架等等 都禁止) (Humanization/harassment/discrimination/spoilers/commanders/ smears/quarrels, etc. are prohibited)
3.請勿指揮我做事 任何一件事
don't tell me to do anything
4.最重要的一條 當下喊停請大家就不要再做類似的事情了
The most important rule is that when you call it quits, please don't do anything like that again.
5.請勿在此台聊天室打出任何有關電腦/其他東西的快速鍵案法 違規一次300秒 第二次永ban
Please do not type any quick keystrokes about computers/anything else in this chatroom. 300 seconds for one offence and permanent ban for a second offence.
6.主播只會中文 其他語言看不太懂 其他只會用機翻 如果使用其他語言違反規定一律永BAN
The anchor only speaks Chinese, not much in other languages, and the rest of us only use the machine to turn the pages. If you use other languages, it's against the rules, you'll get a permanent ban.